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Description :
The Denon PRA-2000 preamplifier is the first of Denon audio product to come out with features developed for real time audio technology guiding concept. It is considered by many to be one of the very best sounding machines in its day. It aims to produce music that can be more realistic to life than is possible with the audio technology. The overall look of the the Denon PRA-2000 has nothing too distinguished and looks to be simple in operation. It comes with 3 phonos, Aux, Tuner and Pre Out/Off. Each selector switch can be activated by just a light touch. They are arranged in positions isolated from the the audio signal wiring, so that the switches do not influence the quality of sound. The Denon PRA-2000 is crafted with innovation and engineering excellence, and is designed to match with the Denon POA-3000 with a single goal in mind: to maximize the entertainment experience.
Specifications :
Equalizer Amplifier Section (Phono In - Rec Out)
Input Sensitivity/Impedance...............2.5mV / 50k ohm (Phono 1)
...............2.5mV / 100 ohm, 50k ohm (Phono 2)
...............0.125mV / 100 ohm (Phono 3)
Max Allowable Input.........................380mV (1kHz)
Max Output/Rated Output.................23V / 150mV
Total Harmonic Distortion Factor........Below 0.002%, 20Hz to 20kHz 4V out
RIAA Deviation.................................20Hz to 100kHz, +/-0.2dB
Signal-to-Noise Ratio........................86dB (IHFA curve)
Separation.......................................20Hz, 1kHz, above 100dB. 20kHz, above 90dB.
Flat Amplifier Section (Aux In - Pre Out)
Input Sensitivity/Impedance...............150mV / 50k ohms (Tuner, Aux, PB 1, PB 2)
Max Output/Rated Output.................25V / 1.5V
Total Harmonic Distortion Factor........Below 0.002%, 20Hz to 20kHz
Transmission Frequency...................10Hz to 500kHz (+0/-1dB)
...................10Hz to 100kHz (+0/-0.1dB)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio........................105dB
Separation.......................................Above 100dB, vol max, 20Hz to 20kHz
........................................Above 80dB, vol -20dB, 20Hz to 20kHz
Muting.............................................-20dB (Pre out off, indicated by LED)
Filter...............................................Subsonic 16Hz, 12dB/octave
TIM Distortion Factor........................Below 0.003%
IM Distortion Factor..........................Below 0.002%
MC Head Amplifier Section (Phono-3 In - Rec Out)
Max Allowable Input.........................19mV (1kHz)
Frequency Characteristic..................20Hz to 100kHz, +/-0.2dB
Total Harmonic Distortion Factor........Below 0.003%, 20Hz to 20kHz
Separation.......................................Above 70dB, 20Hz to 20kHz
Signal-to-Noise Ratio........................79dB (Noise level converted to input, -157dB Vrms)
Major Circuit Components................14 FETs, 149 transistors, 3 rectifier stacks, 68 diodes
................1 IC, 7 reed relays, 2 relays, 6 LED
Power Supply Voltage......................230V
Power Frequency.............................50Hz
Power Consumption.........................37W
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................46 x 36 x 13.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Matching.........................................Denon DCD-3500RG Cd Player
..........................................Denon POA-3000 Power Amplifier
Made In...........................................Japan
Product Information : (Japanese) |