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Classe CP-500

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Description :
The Classe CP-500 is a very well designed preamp that will fit nicely in many high end systems. The sound is neither too cool nor too warm, yet it is highly musical. The All too often, the soprano and tenor saxophones can come across as rather hard and shrill sounding. This never happened with the Classe. The timber of saxaphones was rich and smooth, with never a trace of hardness. After a few long listening sessions, the CP-500's sound are clear, and it starts with the preamp's clarity. There is no euphony or sweetness to the CP-500's sound, only abundant detail and a lively, albeit somewhat lean presentation. The soundstage on each cut begins at the rear of the speaker cabinets and works backwards, making for a tremendously deep presentation. The sheer resolving power of the Classé CP-500 is very high, the preamp capturing and conveying even the smallest of musical and ambient details. This allowed the CP-500 to serve classical music especially well. All of the instrumental tones and overtones, and all of the space of Atlanta Symphony Hall where the recording was made were preserved, and even amidst all of the captured space, the bass-drum whacks were quick and powerful, with no added weight or slop.

Specifications :
Frequency response................................20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1dB
Distortion (THD + noise)...........................0.003%
Single-ended input...................................5Vrms
Single-ended output ...............................10Vrms
Balanced input ......................................10Vrms
Balanced output ....................................20Vrms
Signal to noise ratio................................20Hz to 500kHz 100dB
Channel separation.................................>110dB
Single-ended inputs................................3pair RCA (including 1 pairr w/phono option) / 100kohm
Single-ended tape inputs.........................1pair RCA / 100kohm
Balanced inputs......................................2pair XLR / 200kohm
Single-ended output................................1pair RCA
Balanced output.....................................1pair XLR
Tape out output......................................1pair RCA
Dimensions(w x d x h).............................44.5 x 45.5 x 12.5cm

Miscellaneous :
Matching................................................Classe CA-2200 Power Amplifier
Made in..................................................Canada
XLR Input & Output..................................Yes
Condition................................................9/10 (Good condition)

Product Information :

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