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Audio Innovations Alto
Audio Innovations AltoAudio-Innovations-Alto-1
Audio Innovations AltoAudio-Innovations-Alto-2
Audio Innovations AltoAudio-Innovations-Alto-3

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Description :

Audio Innovations places great emphasis on reproducing music with a high level of tonal and dynamic coherence. This consistency, regardless of level or pitch, is fundamental to the accurate reproduction of instrument timbre and is absent in almost all transistor electronics. The Audio Innovations Alto circuit configuration addresses the key areas where problems occur while its inherent simplicity allows a more faithful representation of the music to be presented to the loudspeakers. Internally the Alto is constructed to the same exacting standards as the company's more expensive valve amplifiers. The circuit board is CAD 'in house' designed. Close tolerance metal-film resistors and high quality signal coupling capacitors are used throughout. Input sockets are gold plated and the bi-wireable speaker terminals are heavy duty binding posts which will accept banana plugs, spades or bare wire. The Audio Innovations Alto offers the facility to operate up to four line inputs as well as two tape recorders, and will therefore integrate easily into most domestic audio system. It represents a genuine alternative for the style conscious audio enthusiast.

One does not have to listen long to the Audio Innovations Alto to realize that it is an exceptional amplifier for the money. What distinguishes it is a rare ability (one which eludes many amplifiers, whatever their price tag) to project a wide, deep sound-stage and populate it with musicians who perform with both naturalness and vitality. Nowhere are its strengths better appreciated than on simply miked recordings with well-developed ambiance portrayal. They spring into life via the Audio Innovations Alto with a warmth and image scale which left even a highly regarded competitor sounding somewhat pinched and undernourished by comparison.

On pop and rock music the Audio Innovations Alto has been criticized in some quarters for a lack of rhythmical coherence in the bass register (a characteristic it is tempting to ascribe to the capacitor coupling) but on classical programs it is mostly in its element. It conveys the character of both the musical performance and the recording venue with a simple honesty which (whatever the supposed superiority of their more modern circuit topologies) most competitors struggle to emulate. Occasionally the Audio Innovations Alto can sound a little less well resolved, a little fuzzier than its more overtly 'hi-fl' peers, but as the longer the listening passes, the less significant this shortfall seems. Across a broad selection of music it is the consistent warmth, weight and three dimensionality of the Alto's sound which set it apart, and which make it such a satisfying partner in the long term. When playing pop and rock music, its bass limitations should be considered, but otherwise this is a highly recommended amplifier.

Specifications :
Tape Loops......................................2
Output Power...................................35W
Speakers.........................................4 to 16 ohms
Response........................................6Hz to 150kHz
Power Consumption.........................400W
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................43 x 33.5 x 8.5 cm

Miscellaneous :
Made In...........................................UK, England

Product Information : (Manufacturer's Website)

Reviews : (Audio Innovations Alto 35 amplifier)


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