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Description :
The Transparent MusicLink Plus Balanced interconnect is a true differentially balanced cable with 2 precision balanced networks neatly housed in a single network module. It delivers deeper, tighter bass and suppresses noise more effectively than balanced cables without networks. It is constructed around a pair of conductors composed of several 99.999% OFHC copper strands wound around a Teflon dielectric center core. It contains a module which houses a passive filter network designed to help reject, and filter out, noise injected into the cable from external electronic sources. In addition to the filter network, it employs multiple layers of shielding further decreasing the likelihood of noise infiltration.
The Transparent MusicLink Plus Balanced is a very lively cable and exhibits excellent rhythm and pace, faithfully communicating complex and intricate rhythms to the listener. It excels at reproducing low frequencies. The mid-bass and the bass range are full bodied and give a very strong impact to the musical reproduction. Lower midrange body and texture are also well preserved by the Transparent MusicLink Plus Balanced. The upper midrange exhibits a trace of hardness, evident on a selection of female vocal recordings. However, the treble is detailed, smooth and extended, with no traces of glare or brightness.
Instruments occupy their own distinct physical space and remain in that space regardless of changes in frequency or sound level. The bass drums have terrific impact and power, yet remain well-defined and controlled. The sound of low tom drums, explodes into the listening room to an unmatched degree. In addition to the power and dynamics of percussive performance, the different timbres of drums are fully laid to bare by the superior resolving powers of the Transparent MusicLink Plus Balanced. Subtle inflections of plucked and bowed string are easily discernible, greatly adding to the illusion of reality. Cello has excellent body and tone, sounding convincingly woody and resonant. Triangles are harmonically rich, with great sparkle and purity of tone. Instrumental outlines are precisely defined and realistically rendered, which impart realism to the sound of small jazz, classical, and pop ensembles. The Transparent MusicLink Plus Balanced interconnect minimally degrades the audio signal it carries, faithfully communicates the musical message and significantly contribute to listening pleasure.
Specifications :
Standard Termination........................XLR > XLR
Adapters.........................................XLR > RCA, XLR Y, RCA Y
Length.............................................5 meters pair
Miscellaneous :
Made In...........................................USA
Product Information :
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