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Description :
As one of the top performing products, the Convergent Audio Technology SL-1 Reference mk2 has the special features that one demands in a high-quality, high-end product. The most striking of these features is the SL-1's incredible audio quality with moving-coil cartridges that no other tube preamp offers. It will not dry out the sound and lose dynamics and transient life with cartridges. The CAT SL1 Reference mk2 is quiet, and works well with very low impedance loads. The choice of signal input, tape, and muting is accomplished through varying combinations of long-throw lever switches. Ergonomics are very good, and cartridge loading is easily changeable through plug-in resistors or capacitors. A separate, complex high-voltage power supply, and three fully regulated independent filament power supplies are used to reduce noise and compression caused by filament crosstalk. The CAT SL1 Reference mk2 has exceptionally low open-loop distortion, with low feedback ratios used to reduce RFI and allow good performance without precise tube matching. A combination of active and passive RIAA equalization to reduce tube aging effects. The phono jacks are Teflon-insulated and gold-plated, and the front-panel muting switch is capable of muting automatically for 30 seconds after turning on to eliminate thumps.
The CAT SL1 Reference mk2 is not affected by coloration in its high-level stages. It is extremely transparent and extended in the deep bass, without a touch of extra bloom or control loss. It makes a smooth and coherent transition from bass to midrange. The CAT SL1 is amazingly accurate and revealing in the midrange. The upper midrange is musically involving without producing artificial emphasis or fatigue. It does an outstanding job of exactly reproducing the intended music. It does a consistently good job of portraying imaging on both the simplest and most complex music—a consistency normally lacking in even the most expensive competition. It does a realistic job of reproducing records and reflecting the differences in apparent listening position, without imposing the character. The Convergent Audio Technology SL1 Reference mk2 is an extremely sophisticated, well-engineered unit that will never fail to disappoint for the future years.
Specifications :
Inputs............................................Two line-level, one phono, tape
Outputs..........................................Two main plus tape
Frequency Response.......................0.1Hz to 600kHz, +0,-3dB (line), 20Hz to 20kHz, +/-0.2dB (phono)
Voltage Gain..................................26dB (line), 46dB (phono). Both at 1kHz
IHF Sensitivity.................................0.12mV
Slew Rate......................................10V/microsecond (phono), 15V/microsecond (line),
......................................risetime of 0.6 microsecond
Total Harmonic Distortion.................Less than 0.001% (phono), 0.0005% (line)
Noise..............................................90dBA below 1V (line), 96dBA below 10mV input (phono)
Input Overload.................................100V (line) and 250mV phono
Input Impedance..............................50k (line), variable on phono, with 47k and 180pF standard
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................48.5 x 37 x 14 cm (Main)
......................31 x 19 x 11.5 cm (Power Supply)
Miscellaneous :
Made In...........................................USA
Product Information : (Factory Tour)
Reviews : (SL-1) (SL-1 Signature) (SL-1 Signature mk2) (SL1 Ultimate mk2) (SL1 Legend) |