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Description :
The Goodmans CM80 is a combination of a Goodsman Module 80 and a Lenco GL75 deck. It is a superb example of swiss engineered sprung transcription turntable. The classic retro deck combination makes a huge contribution to the enjoyment of recorded music. Within lies an excellent teak veneered plinth and hinged tinted perspex cover. It has a timeless black aluminum front, heavy cast metal platter and also the rare record strobe center disk. It has uniquely engaging and musical qualities and sounds stunning with not a hint of rumble. The Goodsman CM80 is a tank-like looking audio equipment that is arguably an audiophile's dream machine.
The Goodmans Module 80 is a hifi stereophonic tuner/amplifier designed to cater for a comprehensive range of facilities. The front panel is almost entirely of jet black surface with a myriad of controls. It has five DIN sockets and a mixture of 16 rotary and press-button controls. The front end consists of a two stage FET RF amplifier followed by separate NPN transistors for the mixer and oscillator. The mains adjuster, located at the rear of the case, is coin slotted to facilitate rotation and a two pin mains outlet socket. A tuning indicator circuit is incorporated in the tuner design and has its own power supply. The tuning of the Goodsman Module 80 is continuous from 87.5 to 100MHz by the operation of a potentiometer which controls the bias to three varicap diodes.
The Goldring Lenco GL75 is an integrated unit but possesses all the virtues of a transcription turntable and sophisticated pickup arm. The Goldring ready-made plinth and plastic cover avoids the need for home carpentry and looks well on a shelf or side-table. An inspection of the underside reveals signs that dynamic balancing has been carried out, ensuring that the flywheel action of the turntable will be uniform and reduce wow and flutter. Drive is provided by a constant speed motor and the unique Lenco cone-shaped capstan which permits selection of any intermediate turntable speed. Sliding the speed control lever alters the point of contact of the idler wheel along the capstan and hence the number of turns of the motor corresponding to one revolution of the turntable. The main counterbalance weight of the Goldring Lenco GL75 arm has a flexible coupling to reduce the risk of low frequency oscillations and its mounting hole is off-centre, allowing a measure of lateral balancing to be achieved. The head shell is not particularly lightweight but includes a useful mounting plate which can be moved fore and aft to bring the stylus on to the precise position for minimum tracking error.
Specifications :
Goodsmans Module 80, Audio Amplifier
Frequency Response.......................30Hz - 20kHz, +/-1.5dB
Power Output..................................50 watts/channel into 4 ohms for less than 1% distortion
.................................Sine wave r.m.s. into both channels simultaneously at 1kHz
.................................35 watts/channel into 4 ohms for less than 1% distortion
.................................30 watts/channel into 4 ohms for less than 0.1% distortion
.................................25 watts/channel into 8 ohms for less than 1% distortion
.................................16 watts/channel into 15 ohms for less than 1% distortion
Output Impedance...........................Less than 0.1 ohm
Damping Factor at 1kHz..................40 (4 ohms load)
..................80 (8 ohms load)
..................150 (15 ohms load)
Power Bandwidth............................Exceeds response bandwidth of amplifier
Tone Controls(0dB=1kHz)................Bass, +/-13dB at 50Hz
................Treble, -17dB to +10dB at 10kHz
................Loudspeaker Compensation, +11dB at 50Hz,
and +10dB at 10kHz (with volume control retarded 30dB)
Filters............................................Rumble, -11dB at 25kHz
............................................Treble, -11dB at 16kHz
Input Sensitivities @ 30w/c..............Magnetic pickup input, 2mV into 50k ohms
..............RIAA compensated within 1dB from 40Hz-20kHz
..............Auxiliary, 60mV into 600k ohms
..............Tape input, 320mV into 50k ohms
..............Tape output, 500mV at 330k ohms
(for 40kHz deviation on FM. or 6cm/s on magnetic pickup)
Switched Monitoring Facility
..............Overload characteristics, +23dB over above sensitivities
Stereo Headphone Socket...............Impedance 300 ohms to 600 ohms, 8 ohms minimum
Unweighted Hum And Noise.............Better than -80dB at 35 watts, Tape and Aux
.............Better than -66dB at 35 watts, Magnetic PU
Crosstalk........................................Better than -45dB(40Hz-12kHz) all inputs, between channels
.........................................Better than -60dB
Goodsmans Module 80, Tuner
FM Aerial Input................................240ohms to 300 ohms balanced
FM Tuning Range.............................87.5MHz to 108MHz
FM Tuner RF Sensitivity...................Better than 3uV for 3dB below limiting
...................Better than 1.5uV for 26dB signal-noise ratio
Stereo Crosstalk..............................36dB at 1kHz
Pilot Tone Rejection.........................-36dB at 19kHz and 38kHz(0dB at 67kHz deviation audio)
Indicator Lamps...............................Scale : 6.5 volts 300mZ
...............................Stereo : Tuning 14 volts 40mA
Goodsman Module 80, General
Overall Distortion..............................Less than 0.5% with 1mV input at 95MHz,
..............................deviation 67.5kHz at 1kHz, 30 watts audio output
Mains Input......................................120/220/245V, 50Hz
Power Consumption.........................150 watts maximum
Goldring Lenco GL75 Turntable
Speed.............................................Infinitely variable between 30 and 86 rpm
.............................................Click-in stops for standard speeds including 16.7 rpm
Wow And Flutter..............................0.06% (DIN specification)
Speed Stability................................Within 0.2% for a 10% change in mains voltage
................................Within 0.3% for pickup playing at 6gm
Stylus Pressure...............................Infinitely variable between 0-5 gm, calibrated at 0.5gm intervals
Tracking Error..................................+/-0.8 degree
Overall Specifications Of Goodmans CM80
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................56 x 46 x 18.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Made in...........................................UK, England
Condition.........................................8/10 (Decent condition)
Product Information : (Manual of Module 80, part 1) (Manual of Module 80, part 2)
Reviews : (Lenco GL75 review) (Lenco GL75 review) (Lenco GL75 review, specifications) |