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Description :
The Magnum Dynalab 205 Signal Sleuth brings a whole new world of FM-stereo enjoyment, designed to boost and stabilize FM signals. It is a tunable radio frequency processor that investigates FM signals and tracks them, and also capable of applying amplification or attenuation within +30dB to –30dB. It works on adjacent channel interference by reducing the strength of the dominant channel so that the weaker signal can be handled by the tuner. It amplifies weak FM signals cleanly, attenuates strong, harsh signals without coloration, stabilizes FM antenna (and FM cable) signals, and separates interfering adjacent-station signals and reduces multipath problems. Tuning is accomplished using solid state components (varactors) which are controlled by a long-life low noise potentiometer. The performance of the Magnum Dynalab 205 Signal Sleuth is directly influenced by the type and capability of the antenna.
Along with establishing a clearer, crisper sound, an important attribute of the Magnum Dynalab 205 Signal Sleuth is its ability to establish and maintain a usable FM program signal level. In most cases, this will eliminate the annoying 'flip-flop' stereo-to-mono-to-stereo switching usually experienced with many FM tuners having non-variable, automatic 'blend' circuits. The electronic antenna switching system is available to bypass the amplifier when not needed. With the direct "in/out" Antenna Signal switching system, instant A/B comparison is always available. Along with adding phenomenal new power to home FM antennas from single dipoles to multi-element, stacked arrays, the Magnum Dynalab 205 Signal Sleuth features signal amplification variable from -10dB through +30dB (30 times to gain) to bring weak stations to silence, and tame strong, harsh, local signals, offering the possibility of listening some of the fringe FM stations that are impossible to receive under ordinary conditions.
Whether it is classical, rock, or current affairs, the Magnum Dynalab 205 Signal Sleuth will expand the world of FM-stereo entertainment, bringing the owner more FM stations with better clarity. It fits neatly into just about any component or integrated receiver system, and adds fine attributes while maintaining a sleek but unobtrusive demeanor within the system. The effects of the Sleuth reminds the listener of vinyl recordings where music seems to spring forth from a background of dead silence. It adds no coloration of their own to the sound, yet having an enormous effect on the musical performances heard through them. The Magnum Dynalab 205 Signal Sleuth has already awakened many FM enthusiasts to the sweetness and depth available with stronger signals.
Specifications :
Circuit.............................................3 varactor-tuned RF stages
Gain................................................Variable -30dB thru +30dB
Tuning Range...................................88 - 110 MHz
Bandwidth.......................................Better than 400 kHz
Noise..............................................Less than 4dB
Antenna Input..................................75 ohms
Power Required................................230 / 240 / 110 volts
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................48.5 x 21.5 x 6 cm
Miscellaneous :
Matching.........................................Magnum Dynalab FT-101A Tuner
..........................................Magnum Dynalab ST-2 Antenna
Made in...........................................Canada
Condition.........................................7/10 (Discoloration on knobs)
Product Information : (Manufacturer's Website) (Manual)
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