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Description :
The Audio Analogue Puccini SE model has quite a few revisions in their design. Mainly it can be split into 2 different categories - with remote and without remote. The Puccini SE without remote features a simple but refined circuit based on high-performance op-amps, whereas the “Remote” models feature a totally discrete components' circuit. Both preamp section and power circuit of the remote version shows low feedback, large open-loop bandwidth and is suitable for bi-wiring. When comparing with the "normal" model and the "Special Edition" model, the special edition has twice the power devices. The Puccini Special Edition also features 2 bigger transformers than the normal version. Passive components quality is greater which its value for some components is ten times as much that of same type components in the base model.
The two toroidal transformers totalling 400VA, 40,000µF of filter capacitance and eight power transistors ensure a current reserve sufficient for peaks and transients and low efficiency speakers. Totally individual power supplies for each channel right from mains (a quasi-dual-mono configuration) give excellent separation. While maintaining the same transparent and refined sound, the same musicality, Audio Analogue Puccini SE dramatically increases drive, punch and soundstage at the value that has become one of Audio Analogue's trademarks. The amplifier still offers its music gently, with that velvet tubey touch that has made it a worldwide success. But the mid-high range is now smoother, cleaner, harmonically richer and it helps moving the whole sonic performance into the league of integrated amps that cost $1,500 and more. This new unit wins hands down, bar none. It even seems the new unit can go higher in the frequency spectrum, thanks to the increased harmonic content. The same happens in the midrange, which now sounds more polished and precise. Voices appear more natural and less grainy. In the bass department, the bass is now far more linear. The Puccini SE now does have deeper, more articulated and cleaner bass lines.
The tubey and velvet touch of the Audio Analogue Puccini SE is there so the dynamic performance of this unit is convincing, though not exactly walls-shaking. Fast but not in a hurry, the Italian amp sounds solid but not explosive. Though, when hooked up to the right speakers, it still can shake floor and windows. In the microdynamics department, it sounds with plenty of detail and grace, though it can still give a lively kick to the most energetic rock tracks. Width and depth are good, while the height is just fair. Thanks to the fact this amplifier sounds with grace and elegance, the soundstage appears not exactly "sculpted" and "crystal clear". The contours of the virtual images of singers and instruments appear a bit "blurred" but the scene does contain many details. This characteristic may be a good thing though. If the stagestage is made crystal clear, it may become clinical. Overall, the Audio Analogue Puccini SE is mostly an universal amplifier, ready to play with the majority of the loudspeakers in the market. It will fill the user's room with plenty of good music.
Specifications :
Output Power.........................................2 x 55W @ 8 ohms
.........................................2 x 85W @ 4 ohms
Line Input Impedance..............................50Kohms
Phono Input Impedance...........................(MM) 47kohms/220pF
...........................(MC) 100ohms
Nominal Line Input Sensitivity..................1Vrms
Nominal Phono Input Sensitivity...............(MM) 10mVrms
...............(MC) 1mVrms
Line Signal/Noise Ratio(Unweighted)........>80dB
Line Signal/Noise Ratio('A' Weighed)........>90dB
Phono Signal/Noise Ratio(Unweighted).....(MM) >70dB, (MC) >60dB
Phono Signal/Noise Ratio('A' Weighted)....(MM) >80dB, (MC) >70dB
Tape Output Level and Impedance............1Vrms/600ohm
Total Harmonic Distortion(THD)................<0.1% @ 40W/8 ohm/1kHz
Damping Factor......................................>100 @ 1kHz/8 ohm/1W
Slew Rate..............................................>10V/us
Bandwidth(+/-0.3dB)................................5Hz-200kHz (1W/8 ohm)
Channel Separation.................................R to L >80dB; L to R >80dB
Inputs.....................................................MM/MC Phono (PH1), Line 1/6
Nominal Voltage Supply...........................115VAC/230VAC 50/60Hz
Transformers...........................................Dual 200VA
Max. Power Consumption........................400VA
Dimensions(w x d x h).............................44.5 x 36.5 x 8.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Made in..................................................Italy
Condition................................................7/10 (Scratches on front faceplate)
Product Information : (Manufacturer's Website)
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