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Description :
The Audio Research D-115 is introduced in 1983 till 1989 before being replaced by the D-115 mk2 version. The Audio Research D series amplifiers are excellent but they lack the refinements at the frequency extremes compared today's designs. However till today, many still prefer these D series models to the Classic series that follow them in the late 80s and early 90s. The Classic series seem too analytical sounding and lack the magic of the D series tube amplifers have.
When played, the Audio Research D-115 has a very clear and clean midband liquid Audio Research way of soundstaging that is so compelling. It is not particularly defined or extended in the bass, but it is not unpleasant either. It's upper range performance is pleasant, but not particularly extended or powerful. The upper harmonics allows the listener to determine what certain instruments are in an orchestra that are missing in action. The D-115 has a balanced and smooth tone which is not over warmish in sound. Tonally it is similar to the Audio Research SP10 preamp that is introduced around the same time. Some listeners really like the D-115 amplifier a lot. To them, it has great staging, a lot of umph in the bass though not as controlled as what others can currently find albeit at that price. The Audio Research D-115 is really a lot sensitive to tube rolling. By using better tubes, these tubes in action can share a lot or their sonic, well known virtues.The amplifier gets completely to another league and the glare that was present seemed to have vanished totally.
Specifications :
Power output.........................................100 watts per channel
Power bandwidth....................................(-3dB points) 12Hz to 60kHz
Input sensitivity.......................................0.6V RMS for rated output.
Input impedance.....................................75 kOhms, nominal
Output regulation....................................Approximately 0.5dB, 16 ohm load to open circuit.
Overall negative feedback........................19.5 dB
Damping factor.......................................Approximately 17
Distortion...............................................Less than 0.1% at 1dB below rated output
Slew rate...............................................15 V/µs
Rise time...............................................5 µs
Hum & noise..........................................90dB below rated output - less than 2mV RMS
Power supply energy storage...................280 joules
Power requirements................................210-250VAC 50Hz, 1000 watts maximum, 400 watts at "idle".
Tube complement...................................(7) 6922, (4 matched pairs) 6550, (1) 6550, (1) 12AT7
Dimensions(w x d x h).............................48.5 x 47 x 18.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Made in..................................................USA
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