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Jadis Defy 100
Jadis Defy 100Jadis-Defy-100-1
Jadis Defy 100Jadis-Defy-100-2
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Description :
The Jadis Defy 100 is the predecessor of the Jadis Defy 7 which is also similarly structured and has the same power output of 100w/c. Using EL34 tubes, this Defy 100 amplifier produces a world class midrange and a sweet top end. Jadis amplifiers are well known for their finesse, speed, detail, dynamics, slam, asthetics, and obvious quality build which is seemingly rugged along the lines of a tank. Above all else, they are musical. Many Jadis owners are also cut from a different cloth than many other audiophiles. Rather than riding on the constant merry go round of equipment upgrades, they often have made a lifetime purchase ala their Jadis. People who own Jadis gear, no matter what, generally see no reason for changing. The sonic signature has something very seductive. Solo instruments and voices have a tremendous, three dimensional presence, especially via electrostatics or the better horn speakers. And last not least there is just that slight euphonic touch, a combination of very subtle warmth with a slightly exaggerated punch, which can give the listener the illusion of being there. Then of course its first class workmanship and very good looks.

Specifications :
Power Output.................................100w/c
Tubes.............................................12 x EL34
         .............................................6 x ECC82
Dimensions(w x d x h).....................49 x 56 x 22 cm
Weight...........................................30 kg

Miscellaneous :
Made In..........................................France
Condition........................................8 / 10


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