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Description :
The Myryad MXI2080 has the airy quality of the sound that gives a wide soundstage. It means that in a complimentary sense it has a feeling of air around the performers. The downside though is that some listeners will prefer a more solid-bodied account of the music. But if the listener's tastes run more to upper midrange clarity and sweetness, he may well find much to appreciate here. The bass have plenty of energy and definition to it though not particularly full or deep. Where the Myryad MXI2080 really excels is with delicate sounds in the upper octaves, which sing out beautifully and then decay naturally into ambience. It was easy, through the amplifier, to hear each note starting and then later dying away, while the percussion behind was also precise and almost tangible. Dynamics are good too, especially 'microdynamics', the little changes from note to note or even within one note that do so much to keep music alive. At the other extreme of scale, the MXI2080 can maintain a clear and stable stereo image across a wide range of frequencies. The deepest bass lacks something in comparison with some other amps, but not in a way that stands out. For those music lovers who are into jazz and vocals, this amplifier is a good choice to go into. Overall, the Myryad MXI2080 is an understatedly good-looking machine designed to provide high quality sound reproduction in an elegant style.

Specifications :
Continuous average power ouput.................80w/c @ 8 ohm
                                               .................120w/c @ 4 ohm
THD..........................................................0.2% at 80% rated power, 8 ohm, 20Hz-20kHz
Inputs.......................................................Line Direct, Tape , CD-R, CD, Tuner, TV, DVD, Aux and power amp inputs
Outputs....................................................Tape, CD-R, Bi-Amp, Preamp, Power Amp Line output, Speakers
Input sensitivity (ref. rated power)................320 mV (user trimmable 160-640mV)
Maximum input level..................................>8 Vrms
Input Impedance........................................22 kohm / 200 pF
Frequency response (20Hz - 20kHz)............±0.2 dB (-2dB @ 96kHz)
Signal/Noise ratio.......................................>107dB (A-weighted, ref. rated power)
Voltage (set internally)................................120 / 230V
Preamp section
Output Impedance......................................220 ohm
Maximum output level.................................>8 Vrms
Power amp section
Input sensitivity..........................................900mV
Input impedance.........................................60kohm / 440pF
Dimensions(w x d x h)................................44 x 36 x 10 cm

Miscellaneous :
Matching...................................................Myryad MXC6000 CD player
Made in.....................................................UK
Condition...................................................8/10 (Decent Condition)

Product Information : (Manufacturer's Website)

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