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Naim Audio NAC112
Naim Audio NAC112Naim-Audio-NAC112-1
Naim Audio NAC112Naim-Audio-NAC112-2
Naim Audio NAC112Naim-Audio-NAC112-3
Naim Audio NAC112Naim-Audio-NAC112-4

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Description :
The Naim Audio NAC112 is an entry-level preamplifier of Naim Audio which matches well with the NAP150 power amplifier that falls squarely into an 'exciting and stimulating' camp. In fact, when first listening to this combination, it's hard to believe that they are entry-level offerings as they seem far more composed and effortlessly informative than any 'starter' combination has any right to do.

All Naim preamps have never incorporated an internal power supply of their own, and the NAC 112 is obviously no different – it takes its juice from either corresponding partnering power amp or the dedicated external power supply units such as the Flatcap 2 or more expensive Hi-Cap. In this case, the NAC 112 took its power off the NAC 150. Six line level inputs are provided, these being marked CD, Tuner, Tape, A/V, Aux 1 and 2. The A/V, Tape and Aux 1 inputs come with record out facilities, while the Aux 2 input has two sockets – the extra socket is fitted with a blanking cover, for use with a separate dedicated phono stage like the Prefix or Stageline.

The overall character of the Naim NAC112 NAP150 pre power combination with the Harbeth Monitor 30 is slightly warm and dark, albeit in a very natural way, with a perspective that put the listener up close and personal with the performance. The listener can easily imagine listening to the band live in a jazz club while sitting a couple of tables away. The playing is wonderfully evocative, with recorded string tone that's gorgeous, natural and emotive. The Naim allows the person to hear each musician's contribution to the whole.

Specifications :
Analogue inputs................................6
Input sensitivities..............................75mV, 100kohm
Overload margin...............................35dB (all inputs, all audio frequencies)
Main output level..............................0.775V, <50 Ohm
Tape output level..............................75mV, 600ohm
Auxillary power outputs.....................To suit Stageline or Prefix phonostage,
                                 .....................or Headline Headphone amplifier
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................43.5 x 32.5 x 7 cm

Miscellaneous :
Matching.........................................Naim Audio CD5 CD Player
             .........................................Naim Audio NAP150 Power Amplifier
             .........................................Naim Audio NAT05 Tuner
Made in...........................................UK, England

Product Information : (Manual)

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