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McIntosh C30

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Description :
The McIntosh C30 is a classic stereo pre-amplifier, produced around year 1985 to 1987.

Specifications :
Frequency response...........................20Hz to 20kHz (+0 -0.5dB).
Noise and hum...................................-100dB aux, -90dB phono.
Output rated.......................................2.5V.
Maximum output................................10V.
Input sensitivity and impedance...........high level 0.20V (10V max) at 22k, phono 2mV (100mV max) at 47k and 65pF.
Program equalizer..............................30, 150, 500, 1500 and 10,000Hz boost or cut 12dB.
LF filter..............................................50Hz at 12dB/octave.
HF filter.............................................7kHz at 12dB/octave.
Voltage gain......................................22dB high level, 62dB phono.
Dimensions(w x d x h)........................41 x 35 x 15.5 cm
Weight..............................................8 kg

- Glass panel.
- Illuminated. Input selector: aux, vcr, tv, laser, cd, tuner, ph.
- Equalizer frequency: 30, 150, 500, 1500 and 10k, headphone volume, volume,
- Mode selector: L to L+R, R to L+R, stereo rev, stereo, mono (L+R), L+R to L and L+R to R.
- Pushbutton switches with indicator lights:
- tape monitor: tape 1 or tape 2,
- tape copy: 1 to 2 or 2 to 1,
- lf-hf filter: in or out,
- Speaker/output 1 or 2: in or out,
- Power: on or off.
- Headphone jacks,
- Tape 2 input and output jacks.
- Balance,
- Loudness: flat to max.

- Outputs: 1, 2, main, line, tape 1, tape 2,
- Speaker control relay socket.
- Inputs: tape 1, tape 2, aux, vcr, tv, laser, cd, tuner, ph.
- Ground binding post.
- External processors: main: to and from,
- tape: to and from. AC outlets: 6 switched, 1 unswitched, 1 switched (turntable auto-on).
- Auto-manual switch.
- Auto-on sensitivity: min to max.
- Fuse.
- Panloc mounting.

Miscellaneous :
Notice.............................................Operate at 230V though label as 117V
Matching..........................................McIntosh MC2205 Power Amplifier 
Made in...........................................USA
Condition.........................................8 / 10 (Decent condition)

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