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Description :
The Cary SLP90 is a control center for your high end stereo system. The SLP 90 is used in conjunction with basic power amplifiers. An ideal match in amplifiers for the SLP 90 are any of the Cary Audio Design stereo or mono-block amplifiers.
Specifications :
Circuit type......................................Class A Triode
Input impedance...............................47 kohm phono section with user option on lower resistance
................................50kohm line stage
Output impedance............................800 ohms
Gain................................................1.2mV input = 1V output phono stage
...............................................110mV input = 1V output line stage
RIAA curve......................................1000hz = 0dB, 20Hz = +20dB, 20kHz = -20.5dB
Resistors........................................1% metal film
Capacitors.......................................Polystyrene and polypropylene
Transformers....................................200% duty cycle on all transformers enclosed in seperate power pack
Power supply...................................Individual high voltage tube rectificationfor each channel.
....................................Seperate regulated DC filament voltage for each channel.
Wire................................................EE Teflon Silver
Warm up time..................................5 minutes
Input and output jacks......................Gold plated with Teflon
Duty cycle.......................................Continuous duty all modes 24 hours per day
Cary SLP90 Pre-amplifier
Weight............................................8 kg
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................31 x 35 x 15 cm
Power supply unit
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................11.5 x 16 x 10.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Made in...........................................USA
Condition.........................................7 / 10
Product information : (Online manual) |