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Cary CAD-5500

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Description :

The Cary CAD-5500 represents an indispensable high-end tool; one that no serious audiophile can afford to be without. If you presently own a stock CD player, the Cary will significantly improve its sonics as follows. The grain, edginess, brightness, and shrillness of the lower treble will be greatly reduced. The soundstage transparency and spaciousness will increase. All that with almost no side effects. The extreme treble is slightly closed-in and lacking in air. The overall character of the treble is a bit soft, but not overly so, and the bass is a bit less well-defined than with a good solid-state design, but that's about it. And you'll end up with an excellent vacuum-tube line-level preamp to boot. Should your budget allow the purchase of an outboard digital processor in the future, the Cary will still bring out the best in whatever processor you buy.

Specifications :
Type................................................Analog CD processor and line-level preamp.
Input impedance...............................12.7k ohms.
Output impedance............................11.15k ohms.
S/N ratio..........................................88dB (no output level specified).
Weight............................................10 lbs with power supply unit
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................42 x 32 x 11.5 cm

Power Supply Unit
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................10.5 x 11.5 x 7cm

Miscellaneous :
Condition.........................................8 / 10 (Decnt condition)

Reviews: (Online manual)


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