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Description :
The Dynakit Stereo 70 Tube Power Amplifier uses a circuit arrangement based on that of the Dynakits Mark II and Mark III which has become world famous as one of superior quality while essentially simple and trouble-free. The new 7199 tube is used as a pentode high gain voltage amplifier directly coupled to a cathodyne phase inverter. All parameters are adjusted for minimum distortion. This type of phase inverter has the unique advantage that its operation is independent of tube aging so that no adjustments are required in maintaining optimum performance.
Specifications :
Power output.....................................35 Watts continuous, 80 peak each channel
Frequency response..........................+/-0.5dB from 10cps to 40kc
Power response.................................20cps to 20kc within 1 dB of 35 Watts at less than 1% distortion
Intermodulation Distortion...................Less than 1% at 35 Watts (normally about 0.5%). Less than 0.05% at 1 Watt
Hum and noise..................................Inaudible; better than 90dB below rated power
Sensitivity..........................................1.3 volts rms input for 35 Watts out
Output impedance..............................4, 8, 16 ohms each channel
Damping factor..................................15
Minimum channel seperation...............55 dB
Power comsumption..........................190 Watts 50/60cps
Preamp provision...............................Two power takeoffs with independent heater windings to eliminate interaction.
................................Each 6.3 volts 1 amp, 350 volts dc 10mA
Tube Complement..............................EL-34 x4, 7199 x2, GZ-34/5AR4, selenium rectifier
Dimensions(w x d x h)........................33.5 x 26.5x 16.5 cm
Weight..............................................15 kg
Miscellaneous :
Made in...........................................USA
Condition.........................................8 / 10 (Decent condition)
Product information : (Online manual)
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