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Description :
The Sophia Baby has an impressive signal/noise ratio that makes it possible to drive 112 dB horn speakers without noise. This would translate into dead quiet performance on any speakers you use. Big sound is achieved when there is high definition of music information. Realistic, live performance like, male and female voice. It is great for jazz, rack, vocal, and opera music. Wide dynamic range makes it also suitable for wide range of music. It has more power and drive capability than a typical 300B single ended amp (8 watts) or a 40-50 watts solid-state amp. It is advisable to match with speakers above 89 dB efficiency and 8 ohm impedence.
Specifications :
Power..............................10 watts per channel, (stereo) Push and Pull "Class A" circuit
Input................................One pair of female RCA jacks
Output.............................Four Russian military 6P1T (with special treatment for low noise)
Input/Driver Tube...............NOS 5670 (USA)
Frequency........................6Hz to 80KHz (+/-3dB), 12Hz to 45KHz (0dB)
Signal/Noise Ratio............-95dB
Distortion.........................less than 1% at full power
Hum................................not measurable (less than 0.3mV)
Weight.............................20 pounds
Size(w x d x h).................7 x 9 x 5 inches
Color...............................Black metal chassis with hardwood deco
AC Power.......................120V/60Hz or 235V/50Hz
Miscellaneous :
Made in...........................................Finished in USA
Condition.........................................9.5 / 10
Reviews : - Manufacturer's website |