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Description :
The TL1 is a monumental from-the-ground-up design effort. C.E.C. makes virtually everything inside the TL 1, from the chassis down to the spindle shaft and bearings. The belt-driven transport mechanism was built exclusively for the TL 1. The TL1's massive internal build concealed beneath gorgeous metalwork. Its 37-lb weight, fortress-like build, and stunning appearance combine to suggest that the TL 1 is a serious product. The unit's rounded corners, sloping front and sides, and top-panel sliding window give it a futuristic yet elegant appearance. The top panel holds a sliding glass door that opens to reveal the disc mechanism. A large and very heavy clamp is placed on the disc to hold it on the spindle. Closing the door triggers a microswitch that spins the disc and reads the disc's Table of Contents (ToC). This switch is also a safety interlock: The laser won't turn on until the door closes. The TL 1 had an extraordinarily smooth and analog-like presentation. To call the TL 1 laid-back is an understatement. The music was gentle, sweet, and presented with a more distant perspective than I'm used to hearing. There was a feeling of ease, relaxation, and warmth uncharacteristic of digital. The TL 1's overall character can be summed up as unforced and easygoing.
Specifications :
Type.................................................Belt Drive CD Transport
Digital output.....................................Two coaxial (one RCA jack, one BNC jack), one TosLink optical, one AT&T ST-type optical
Power consumption...........................20 Watts
Weight.............................................17 kg
Dimensions(w x d x h).......................36 x 41.9 x 14 cm
Miscellaneous :
Made in............................................Japan
Remote.... .......................................Yes
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