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Krell PAM-5
Krell PAM-5Krell-PAM-5-1
Krell PAM-5Krell-PAM-5-2
Krell PAM-5Krell-PAM-5-3

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Description :
The Krell PAM-5 is full function stereo preamplifier with sophisticated audio circuitry that meets Krell's own rigid electrical standards and above all sounds musical. It delivers innovative engineering, perfection in build quality, and outstanding audio performance. Grey finish with an elegant and low profile, the built quality and workmanship is very high, typical of Krell. With separate power supply 4 RCA inputs + Tape 2 RCA outputs. The tuner input on the Krell PAM5 is the second input on the back panel. It is set up to drive the high level section of the preamplifier directly. The selector switch is used to choose the desired source, Phono, Tuner, CD and Aux. It may also be used to turn the signal off (completely muted). This can be accomplished by turning the selector past the Phono position one step above, in a clockwise direction. The CD input of Krell PAM5 is a true phase correcting input. It has 14 different adjustments for the various types of CD players. The circuitry provides unprecedented linearity with the control and accuracy that only comes from superior current capability.

Specifications :
Signal-to-Noise Ratio.......................-110dB phono, A-weighted
Frequency Response.......................DC -2MHz
RIAA Tracking.................................Greater than 0.1dB from 20Hz to 20kHz
Overload.........................................1kHz 300mV phono stage
High Level Voltage Swing..................8V RMS
High Level Output Impedance...........10 ohms
High Level Input Impedance..............Min 10k ohms
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................48.5 x 28 x 5 cm (Main Unit)
                                ......................7.5 x 24 x 8.5 cm (Power Supply)

Miscellaneous :
Matching.........................................Krell KSA-50 Mk2 Power Amplifier
Made In...........................................USA

Product Information : (Manufacturer's Website) (Manual)


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