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Threshold S/500 Series 2
Threshold S/500 Series 2Threshold-S-500-Series-2-1
Threshold S/500 Series 2Threshold-S-500-Series-2-2
Threshold S/500 Series 2Threshold-S-500-Series-2-3

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Description :
Building upon improvements in topology of earlier versions and advances in semiconductor technology, the Threshold S/500 Series 2 delivers high speed, great dissipation margins, high power supply capacity and large continuous and peak output current. It incorporates a new bias circuit that reduces the warm-up period for optimal performance. No expense was spared in the realization of the active circuits of the amplifier and its virtual design is an embodiment of excellence. The stasis topology has a single characteristic that sets it apart from other amplifiers. The output stage is sufficiently accurate in its operation that no feedback loop around the amplifier is necessary. The Threshold S/500 Series 2 does not attempt to extract linear results through imposition of a corrective distortion loop around the system. Instead, they are able to maintain the transistors themselves under conditions of voltage and current where their gain characteristics become more constant so that less inherent distortion results. The operating principle is based upon a simple patented binary output stage in which an extremely linear voltage amplifier operated in pure Class A determines signal accuracy by supplying the voltage across the load. The voltage amplifier is connected directly to the load in tandem with a powerful current minor. It is the current minor "bootstrap" that supplies most of the current to the load.

The input stage for each channel of the amplifier consists of matched N-channel JFETs operated in a cascode configuration and driving gain transistors loaded with doubly regulated constant current sources. The output stage of the Threshold S/500 Series 2 employs fast power devices with high safe operating areas, each rated by the manufacturer at 20 times the actual usage in the amplifier. The result is a greatly extended operating margin in which the output transistors remain unstressed, resulting in lower distortion and longer life. The amplifier is equipped with custom manufactured toroidal power transformers that are capable of providing twice their continuous rating for longer periods of time. This insures that the transformer is able to source a constant voltage under any load demand encountered by the Threshold S/500 Series 2.

The Threshold S/500 Series 2 simply dominates any speaker it drives. The sheer power, low impedance and high damping factor control the speakers better than most amplifiers. Treble is light and airy with incredible extension. Not only is it clean, but it is also free of etch. The midrange is glare and grit free; exactly like a tube amplifier, but very similar with warm musicality and excellent body. The bass is low and controlled, but also extremely musical. It reveals different bass shades and musical interactions that are just hints when coming through a different tube amplifier output transformer. However cymbals are very low, almost not audible and are easily eclipsed by its prodigious bass. Vocals have a tube-like warmth and low grain to the sound that is just effortless and magnificent. It is not totally tube warm, but its warmth is away from the dry, sterile or bright that solid state amplifiers usually deliver. The power amplifier has extraordinary detail on every recording that certainly helps in extracting a great deal of the room information and ambience that is typically missing with lesser designs. Despite its age, the Threshold S/500 Series 2 is an incredible amplifier that is still now a high end treat, and a relief from some of the harsh solid state amplifiers out there.

Specifications :
Rated Output...................................250W per channel at 0.1% distortion
                   ...................................20Hz to 20kHz, both channels driven into 8 ohms
Bandwidth.......................................-3dB at 7Hz and 100kHz|
Slew Rate.......................................Greater than 50V per microsecond
Input Impedance..............................75k ohms
Output Transistor Complement..........20 transistors per channel
Output Current Capability..................12 continuous, 100 peak amperes
                                    ..................All continuous ratings are fuse governed
Power Supply..................................1000W toroidal transformer, 120k microFarads capacitance
Output Impedance............................Less than 0.1 ohm, 20Hz to 20kHz
Gain Factor.....................................+26.6dB
Noise..............................................No greater than -100dB, unweighted
        ..............................................Referenced to rated output (input terminated in 600 ohms)
Load Rating.....................................Operation is allowed into any load as permitted by
                 .....................................power supply fuses and thermal protection
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................48.5 x 43.5 x 22.5 cm

Miscellaneous :
XLR Input.........................................Yes
Made In...........................................USA

Product Information : (Manufacturer's Website) (Manual) (Schematics, requires registration)

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