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Unison Research Simply 35 2nd Unit
Unison Research Simply 35 2nd UnitUnison-Research-Simply-35-2nd-Unit-1
Unison Research Simply 35 2nd UnitUnison-Research-Simply-35-2nd-Unit-2
Unison Research Simply 35 2nd UnitUnison-Research-Simply-35-2nd-Unit-3

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Description :

The Unison Research Simply 35 is an elegant looking but heavy amplifier due to its hefty transformer. It operates on AB class and its structure is similar to Unison Research's famous Power 35, but with an additional ECC83 dual triode. In terms of performance, the Simply 35 is considered to be one of Unison's Research's classic. The signal interface of is placed on the sides of the amplifier instead of commonly housed on the back panel for convenience. The Unison Research Simply 35 allows 5 connections that include CD, AV, AUX, Phone and Tape. All of them uses high-purity brass, ensuring not only in high durability but also the quality of the signal output. The first stage employs two ECC82 and one ECC83 vacuum tubes, and the next stage uses four EL34 tubes.

The Unison Research Simply 35 is cohesive and powerful with fast transients. The soundstage goes deep rather than spreading out wide across the room. It is also realistic and the performers' positions can be easily recreated in the mind. The voice is rich and smooth without losing its vitality. Percussive instruments are refreshing and crisp, beating with a vigor that catches its listeners by surprise. The Unison Research Simply 35 brings sonic pleasure to listeners at an affordable price.

Specifications :
Output Power...................................40 watts RMS per channel
Work Class......................................AB, push-pull pentode
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise......0.5% at 20 watts
Input Impedance...............................50k ohms, 47pF
Output Impedance............................4 to 8 ohms
Amplifying factor...............................45dB
Sensibility........................................0.5V RMS
Bandwidth.......................................10Hz to 80kHz, +/- 1dB
Max Power Consumption..................160 watts
Wood Finishing................................Bahia
Valves.............................................4 x EL34(6CA7)
         .............................................2 x ECC82 (12AU7)
         .............................................1 x ECC83 (12AX7)
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................34 x 49 x 18 cm

Miscellaneous :
Made In...........................................Italy

Reviews : (Chinese) (Chinese)


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