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Goodmans Dimension 8 2nd Unit Goodmans Dimension 8 2nd Unit
Goodmans Dimension 8 2nd Unit
Goodmans Dimension 8 2nd UnitGoodmans-Dimension-8-2nd-Unit-1
Goodmans Dimension 8 2nd UnitGoodmans-Dimension-8-2nd-Unit-2
Goodmans Dimension 8 2nd UnitGoodmans-Dimension-8-2nd-Unit-3
Goodmans Dimension 8 2nd UnitGoodmans-Dimension-8-2nd-Unit-4

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Description :
The Goodmans Dimension 8 loudspeaker has a somewhat unconventional design. The horizontal cross-section of the cabinet is a truncated triangle, on the rear face of which is mounted a passive radiator. The lower two units on each face are bass radiators; then comes the mid-range unit, and at the top a high-frequency dome radiator. Each of the units has interesting constructional features. The paralleled bass units use massive ceramic ring magnets mounted on a heavy pressed steel chassis. The diaphragm is heavily damped and the outer edge terminated in a Neoprene roll surround. The midrange unit is a new dynamic pressure unit with a plastic-fiber cone and roll surround, mounted in a rear-sealed plastic housing together with the high frequency unit. The high frequency dome radiator uses a doped fibre diaphragm mounted in a short acoustic coupling horn which also acts as the chassis of the unit. The eight units are mounted on external surfaces of the heavy blockboard cabinet which is finished in teak. To protect the units of the Goodmans Dimension 8, there are two snap-on panels covered with an acoustically transparent material.

The Goodmans Dimension 8's passive low bass resonator consists of a die-cast chassis carrying a thick, heavily doped fiber diaphragm with a large conventional centering device and plastic roll surround. This unit is not electrically connected to the input signal, but moves at low frequencies in phase with the parallel bass units and augments the output. Mounted on the floor of the cabinet is the crossover unit which uses four air-core inductors and four reversible electrolytic capacitors. The interior of the cabinet of Goodmans Dimenion 8 is filled with two plastic foam slabs which prevent internal sound reflections. Beneath the cabinet is a panel carrying a DIN two-pole polarized socket and, as an alternative, two screw terminals. The main cabinet is mounted on a recessed, black finished plinth to which are fitted dome gliders.

The Goodmans Dimension 8's designers have taken a different approach to provide a large stereo listening area. The loudspeakers are intended to be placed parallel to a rear wall and a few feet from the side walls. The vertical panel of each enclosure which flanks the side wall will have its signal reflected forward into the listening area, whilst the panels in the center will aid the sound spread. It is desirable that the adjacent walls are free from heavy absorbent furniture. The speaker gives an extremely satisfying sound picture due to the very wide high frequency dispersion angle, well in excess of 180 degrees at 10kHz. Overall, the speaker is well rounded but lacks a little in the detail. The mid and low mid range are impressively clean and accurate. It sounds terrific with jazz, and vocals sound airy. The Goodmans Dimension 8 is a bi-directional loudspeaker designed to give a state of the art high fidelity sound in the home.

Specifications :
System...........................................Mass loaded reflex
Interior Volume.................................40 liters
Frequency Response.......................30 to 22,000 Hz
Nominal Power Input.........................60 watts
Maximum R.M.S. Input.....................35 watts
Sensitivity.......................................4.4 Watts
Impedance......................................4 ohms
Drive Units.......................................1 x low frequency passive radiator
               .......................................4 x bass frequency radiators
               .......................................2 x midrange radiators
               .......................................2 x high frequency dome radiators
Crossover Frequencies.....................80, 800, 4000Hz
Capacity.........................................75 watts RMS
Connection......................................Lead with DIN plug and screw terminals supplied
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................35.5 x 31.5 x 77 cm
Weight............................................20kg per side

Miscellaneous :
Made In...........................................UK, England

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