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Description :
Cello is founded in 1984 by Mr. Mark Levinson shortly after his departure from the Mark Levinson Company. The Cello company became the pinnacle of ultimate audiophile performance in the late 1980's and through most of the 1990's. The Cello Duet 350 amplifier is handmade from the finest parts and materials. The Duet 350 utilizes proprietary Cello circuitry that represents true state-of-the-art in audio electronics and is designed to perform to in the same specifications for decades of musical enjoyment. The Duet 350 amplifier is a more affordable version of the Cello Performance amplifier by offering a similar combination of qualities in a single, stereo chassis. Its twelve output devices per channel, coupled with the most sophisticated circuitry, give it tremendous capabilities. In normal stereo mode, it has more than enough power to drive most speakers to their limits with the kind of open, clear, effortless sound coupled with high speed and powerful dynamics that are the hallmark of Cello. The Duet 350 is also operational in bridged mode, accomplished with the flick of a toggle on the rear panel, the Duet 350 becomes a devastating 1.2 kiloWatt monoblock power station for those who have the speakers to withstand it. In stereo or bridged mode the Cello Duet 350 is the music lover's dream-come-true amplifier.
The Cello Duet 350 uses a new circuitry developed by Cello engineers which offers outstanding performance without dual choke power supplies. The Duet 350 will drive speakers of any impedance, but it is optimized for loads in the 4 to 8 Ohms range. Even for speakers like the electrostatics which may dip in the range between 10 to 20 kHz, the Duet 350 handles such anomalies with complete grace. The Duet 350, has electrically conductive heatsinks mounted inside the chassis which offers maximum thermal transfer from the power transistor case to the heatsink. This permits the maximum transistor power-handling capability to be obtained. Another advantage is that there are no mica insulating wafers to short out and thereby causing amplifier failure. Most other power amplifiers have the heatsinks on the outside where they cannot be electrically conductive. This requires the transistor to be electrically insulated from the metal, but thermally connected via mica wafers. The third advantage is the heatsink becomes an electrical asset conducting voltage to the transistors. Lastly, money that have been spent on polishing and anodizing heatsinks to make them cosmetically perfect can be spent where it offers some real value like spending on premium circuits and parts.
The Cello Duet 350 is known for its warm high end sound paired with the spank that listeners expect from a 350 watt per channel stereo amplifier which is likely satisfy any power requirements. The Cello amplifier is fast and sweet with deep bass and impressive control. When its highly musical, open, and transparent features are combined with powerful holographic soundstaging capabilities, it easily contends with the best on the market. Cello engineers design the Cello Duet 350 specifically to be compatible with a wide variety of available equipment but it performs best together with its own Cello Audio Palette preamplifier. The Duet 350 has achieved affordable excellence in sonic quality, power capability and reliability. For slightly more cost than conventional amplifiers and less than some others, the Cello seems much more affordable to own.
Specifications :
Class of operation...................................AB2
Power Output (single amp).......................8 Ohms Rated: 350 Watts
.......................4 Ohms Rated: 600 Watts
Power Output (bridged amps)...................8 Ohms Rated: 1,200 Watt
IMD (SMPTE).........................................0.3% (60 Hz / 8 Ohms / 52.92 V Output
IMD (CCIF).............................................<0.2%
THD (20 - 20000Hz)................................<0.3% (8 Ohms / 52.92 Volt Output)
.................................<0.6% (4 Ohms / 49 Volt Output)
Frequency Response..............................+0/-0.8 dB @ 10 - 20000 Hz
Dynamic Headroom.................................1.8 dB
Channel Separation.................................90 dB
Signal to noise.......................................<-100dB, 20V output,10Hz - 22kHz
Input Sensitivity......................................1.491 V (8 Ohms / 350 Watts / 52.92 Volt Output)
Input Impedance.....................................1 mOhm (Non-Inverting)
......................................5000 Ohm (Inverting)
......................................1 mOhm (Unbalanced)
Gain.......................................................31 dB (Unbalanced)
........................................................37 dB (Balanced)
Dimensions(w x d x h).............................48.5 x 60 x 32.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Matching................................................Cello Audio Suite Preamplifier
Made In..................................................USA
Product Information : (Manual) (Manufacturer's Website)
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