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Description :
The Chiro C-200 amplifier is a budget amplifier yet of high value. For its price, it has the power, dynamics, stage depth & width, detail and sweetness. Made by Kinergetics Research which was famous in the 80s and 90s, the Chiro C-200 outperforms many amplifiers in its price range. It conveys music with a sense of realism. It has a big 1kVA transformer that gives better resolving power and better control in driving the speakers. Imaging and soundstaging are focused and deeper (instruments and voices do not sound scattered anymore). The Chiro handles the high notes with significantly more "naturalness" than other budget amplifiers. It's top-end is airy and not fatiguing on neutral speakers. The midrange is a little forward, but that can be cured with proper speaker placement and room tuning. While its bass is not the most extended, it certainly is rhythmic, tight and detailed.
Specifications :
Power Output................................................140 watts per channel @ 8 ohm
.................................................280 watts per channel @ 4 ohm
Dimensions(w x d x h)....................................44 x 40.5 x 14.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Made in.........................................................USA
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