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Description :
The Bel Canto Orfeo 60 is a Class A amplifier with unusual high power for single-ended triode circuit architecture design. It retains the strengths of single-ended amplifiers and balanced designs. The input transformer is used to generate perfectly balanced biphase signals which drive separate 37 watt single ended amplifiers on each chassis sharing a common power supply. The outputs are then combined to generate double the power output. This circuit maintains the advantages inherent in single ended topologies and adds the advantages of class A balanced amplifier topologies. The Orfeo 60 has no feedback and has unique gain stage with unique low frequency extentions. These "full range" triode amplifiers sound natural and can outclass 300B designs in opinion.
Specifications :
Power Output.............................................60 w/c
Operation...................................................Class A Triode
Tubes........................................................4 x 845
.......................................................8 x 12AX7
Bandwidth..................................................6Hz - 35kHz +/-3dB
Signal to Noise Ratio..................................100dB A weighted
Damping Factor..........................................3 across full bandwidth
Input impedance.........................................100kohm
Transformer................................................400VA per chassis
Weight.......................................................50.5 x 39.5 x 23.5 cm
Dimensions(w x d x h).................................33 kg per side
Miscellaneous :
XLR Input...................................................Yes
Made in......................................................USA
Condition....................................................8/10 (Decent condition)
Product Information : (Bel Canto SET 80 Manual)
Reviews : (Review for Bel Canto SET80 which is similar) |