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Description :
The top model and best of Naim Audio power supply. The audible benefits from adding a Naim Audio SuperCap are fundamental to the music: it brings substantially improved musicality to the whole system. Simply being separate from the amplifiers ensures correct earthing and hum-free operation, while the large toroidal transformer and generous high quality smoothing capacitors provide exceptional dynamic stability. Particularly complex music becomes both easier to understand and listen to.
Specifications :
DC output.........................................13 x 24V, 2 x 12V
Mains supply....................................240 V
Dimensions(w x d x h).......................432 x 314 x 87 mm
Miscellaneous :
Made in...........................................England, UK
Condition.........................................9 / 10 (Good condition)
Product information : (Online manual) (New version) |