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Description :
The VAC Standard PreAmplifier is an all new design, employing three Class A triode tube sections per channel in a direct-coupled two stage circuit. This simple, elegant design provides great speed, detail and musicality. Its moderate gain structure and low output impedance provides an excellent match with a wide range of popular power amplifiers. The robust and massive external power supply makes available an extraordinary degree of headroom, and keeps all e.m.f. fields and rectifier switching noise away from the audio signal, thus preserving both the power and delicacy of the music.
Specifications :
Type...............................................Vacuum tube line stage with external power supply and home (direct power amplifier) mode.
Line Stage Pre-amplifier
Gain...............................................24 dB
Maximum input signal......................Infinite (attenuation precedes line stage)
Main output.....................................Inverting (you may reverse speaker connections if you wish to
......................................compensate, or set you d/a converter to phase reversal)
Tape output.....................................Unity gain from selector, non-inverting
Phono Stage Pre-amplifier
Gain...............................................37 dB (measured at tape output)
Residual noise................................3 mV at output (S/N ratio approx. 69 dB)
Overload.........................................117 mV @ 1 kHz = 8 volts
RMS output....................................460 mV @ 10 kHz
Frequency response........................RIAA +/- .25 dB
Notes.............................................Does not invert absolute phase.
Tube Compliment............................ 2 x 12AX7 low noise (phono option)
..............................(located on circuit board at left side of chassis)
..............................2 x 12AU7/6189A (line stage)
..............................2 x 12AX7 (line stage)
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................46 x 36.5 x 12 cm (VAC Standard Pre-amplifier)
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................11 x 16 x 13.5 cm (Power supply unit)
Weight............................................14 kg
Miscellaneous :
Made in...........................................USA
Condition.........................................8 / 10 (Decent condition)
Product information : (VAC Standard Pre-amplifier MKII) (Online manual) |