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Description :
The Naim Audio NAC102 is a replacement of the NAC72 that usually partners the NAP180 power amplifier. The NAC102 is of same size with the NAP180 power amplifier unlike the NAC72's shoebox size. The main difference is that the NAC102 has it's own power supply unlike the NAC72 which has to share power from the power amplifier. The NAC102 also has an advantage of a remote control. Further upgrades can be done by adding a power supply like a Hicap for sound improvement. When switched from the NAC72 to the NAC102, the sound is more detail than before, the bass is cleaner and more powerful and it is more real than before. It handles dynamics exceedingly well. From the softest softs to the loudest louds, it always sounds magical. The Naim pre/power combination sounds far more engaging, exciting, exhilarating, exhuberant that most other setups. All material is delivered with great detail, yet it doesn't sound cold. It's really quite the opposite: the warmth and pleasure produced by this combination exceeds anything else. The "toe tap factor" is really up there.
Specifications :
Line input sensitivities........................75mV, 100 kOhm
Phono input options
Moving Magnet N...............................2mV, 47 kOhm
Moving Coil S....................................100µV, 470 Ohm
Moving Coil K....................................100µV, 560 Ohm
Moving Coil E....................................400µV, 560 Ohm
Overload margin................................(all inputs, all audio frequencies) 40dB
Main output level...............................0.775V, <50 Ohm
Tape output level...............................75mV, 600 Ohm
Dimensions(w x d x h).......................430 x 300 x 76 mm
Miscellaneous :
Matching..........................................Naim Audio NAP180 Power Amplifier
..........................................Naim Audio NACDI Cd Player
..........................................Naim Audio CDX Cd Player
Made in............................................England, UK
Condition..........................................9 / 10 (Good condition)
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