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Description :
The Mark Levinson LNP-2L is a full-functional stereo preamplifier designed with a concept for performance, flexibility and classic styling. Its three-stage design consists of a phono section, an input section and an output section which is capable of producing sound quality with calibration accuracy. In addition, its highly accurate metering system in the front panel make use of broadcast standard UV meters driven from buffer amplifiers and high performance peak-reading circuitry. The Mark Levinson LNP-2L preamplifier's music quality is also derived from highly effective and low distortion tone controls.
Specifications :
Input Impedance.....................................50 kilo-ohms (Phono), 11.5 or more kilo-ohms (High SFT Level)
Output Voltage.......................................About 10 ohms
Maximum Output....................................8V RMS
Gain......................................................60dB (Overall)
......................................................30dB (Phono Amplifier)
......................................................20dB (Input Amplifer)
......................................................10dB (Output Amplifier)
Gain Control............................................0, 5 and 10, 15 or 20dB (Input Amplifier)
............................................0 or 10dB (Output Amplifier)
Tone Control...........................................Low: +/-8dB (20Hz)
...........................................Mid: +/-3dB (5kHz or more shelving)
...........................................High: +/-8dB (20kHz)
Dimensions(w x d x h).............................12 x 17.5 x 4.5cm (Main Unit)
.............................10.5 x 27.5 x11.5cm (Power Supply)
Miscellaneous :
Made in..................................................USA
XLR Balance Input and Output..................Yes
Condition................................................7/10 (Decent Condition)
Product Information :
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