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Description :
The Krell KSP-7B is the first of the generation of Krell preamplifiers that uses bipolar transistors in it's output stage instead of the Mosfets - for example in the PAM5 and PAM7. The power supply is dual regulated and separate for each channel and separate for the phono stage.The separate power supply unit runs very hot, especially in the summer and must be placed carefully.The two unique features of the KSP-7B are dual mono operation (All active stages are powered by independent tracking regulators) and the complete absence of any capacitors in the signal path. All circuitry in the KSP-7B is of completely new design -- many aspects of which are derived from the top-of-the-line KRS-Balanced Reference Preamplifier. Comparing to the older Krell's, the sound is even more dynamic and controlled.The highs are more refined and have more dynamic expression.The bass is of exeptional quality, witch is no surprise with Krell equipment. It's clean, fast, powerfull and detailed. Soundstaging is excellent. The overall sonic signature is much the same as that of the KSA-150 power amp. The KSP-7B still retains its internally switchable loading for moving coil cartridges and input capactiy that is rarely found on high-end preamplifiers.The phono stage sounds very transparant and open.
Specifications :
Signal to Noise Ratio...................................Phono: 80dB "A" weighted
Phono Input Impedance...............................MM: 47 000 ohms
......................MC: adjustable from 5 ohms to 47 000 ohms
RIAA Tracking.............................................Less than 0.1dB deviation from 20Hz to 20kHz
Phono Overload..........................................300mV @ 1KHz
Frequency Response...................................From 0.5Hz to 550kHz
High Level Voltage Swing.............................12 volts RMS, Balanced Outputs, into 6 ohms
Input Impedance..........................................10 000 ohms
High Level Gain............................................Adjustable, 9 or 15dB
Pure D.C Coupled
Dimensions(w x d x h).................................22 x 16.5 x 6.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Matching....................................................Krell KSA-80 Power Amplifier
Made in......................................................USA
XLR Output.................................................Yes
Condition....................................................9/10 (Good condition)
Product Information : (Manual)
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