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Description :
The McIntosh C28 is a high quality line level preamp or volume control for use with any system. The sound of the C-28 can be described as dry and analytical but very precise and clear. In comparing with Headphones between the source CD, Reel, Cassette, etc. and the C-28 Output, a slight grain seems to be added to the music. Its controls are all precise and noise free. The Preamplifier is extremelly attractive and solidly built. One look inside and the First-Class McIntosh craftmanship is evident throughout. McIntosh factory craftsmen and craftswoman initials and dates are visible throughout the interior of the C-28 giving a real testament to that McIntosh pride and workmanship.
Specifications :
Frequency response..........................20 to 20kHz (+0 -0.5dB).
Noise and hum.................................-90dB aux, -78dB phono.
Output rated.....................................2.5V.
Output impedance.............................100 ohms.
Load impedance...............................47k.
Input sensitivity & impedance............Aux 0.25V at 250k, 2mV at 47k, mic 2.5mV at 500k.
Tone controls...................................Bass +20dB to -20dB, treble +18 to-18dB.
Center channel output.......................1.25V.
Headphone amplifier..........................0.75V at 8 ohms.
LF filter............................................50Hz at 12dB/octave.
HF filter............................................7kHz at 12dB/octave.
Bass trim controls............................Boost up to 6dB below 100Hz.
Voltage gain.....................................20dB aux, 62dB phono.
Front Panel
Glass panel. Illuminated. Balance, Comp: pres, flat loud.
Input selector with indicator lights: aux, tuner, phono 1, and phono 2, mic, tape hd.
Mode selector with indicator lights: L to L+R, R to L+R, stereo rev, stereo, mono (L+R), L+R to L and L+R to R. Volume with power switch. Separate treble and bass controls each channel.
Pushbutton switches with indicator lights: tape 1 and tape 2, tape copy: 1 to 2 or 2 to 1, Filters: LF, HF.
Speaker off: main, remote. Headphone jack, Tape input jack, Tape output jack.
Top Panel
Bass trim, Headphone level, output level, phono 1 and phono 2 level controls, center channel level, power amp switch: on or off.
Back Panel
Speaker remote control socket. Inputs: aux, tuner, tape 1, tape 2, tape head, mic, phono 1 and phono 2.
Outputs: center, main (2 pair), tape 1 and tape 2, line. Ground binding post.
AC outlets: 4 switched at front panel, 2 switched at top panel, 1 unswitched. Fuse, Panloc mounting.
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................41 x 34 x 14 cm
Weight............................................25 lb
Sold from........................................1970 to 1978
Miscellaneous :
Made in...........................................USA
Condition.........................................8 / 10 (Decent condition)
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