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McIntosh MC240

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Description :

The McIntosh MC-240 is rated at 40wpc. The output tubes are 6L6GC. For those unfamiliar with tube amp maintenance, good news--no bias adjustment is required. The unit weighs about 59lbs, mostly apportioned to the rear where the transformers are. It's weight and design provide an overbuilt quality--a component that could possibly outlast its owner. The point to point soldering, parts quality, assembly, and attention to detail are first rate. This is American craftsmanship at its pinnacle. Hearing music rendered by the MC-240 is an experience. It has the classic melody of a refined tube amp. One is quickly caught by the spacious soundstage, full-bodied rendition of musical notes, and the thereness quality of the human voice.

Specifications :
Power...........................................40 Watts per channel, Stereo.
        ............................................80 Watts, Mono
Frequency response.......................16 to 40kHz (+0, -0.1dB)
Noise and hum..............................-90dB.
Output impedance..........................4, 8, 16, 125 and 600 ohms. 600 ohm center tap internally grounded.
                          ..........................(2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 ohms in mono).
Output voltages.............................25 (isolated), 70.7 (one side grounded) and 140V (center tap grounded)
Internal impedance........................less than 10% of rated impedance
Input impedance............................250k.
Input sensitivity..............................0.5V (in mono or twin amp). 2.0V in stereo.
Dimensions(w x d x h)....................40 x 27 x 21cm
Weight..........................................24 kg

Miscellaneous :
Notice...........................................This amplifier is 110V.
Made in.........................................USA
Condition.......................................9 / 10 (Good condition - Rare to find such good condition)

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