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Krell KSA-100S
Krell KSA-100SKrell-KSA-100S-1
Krell KSA-100SKrell-KSA-100S-2
Krell KSA-100SKrell-KSA-100S-3

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Description :
The Krell KSA-100S is engineered to a high standard of manufacture, from the custom-extruded anodized handles to the gold-plated, laser-engraved binding posts. It uses the Sustained Plateau Bias technology introduced in the Krell Audio Standard. This is a variation on the "sliding bias" idea, except that bias is changed in four discrete steps rather than continuously. A so-called "anticipator circuit" at the amplifier's input responds very quickly to an increase in signal level, so that, by the time the signal reaches that output stage, the output will be biased to class-A. Once the bias has been increased to a certain level, that level will be sustained for 20 to 30 seconds, dropping to the next lower level if the signal level itself decreases consistently. The main advantages of the Sustained Plateau Bias approach over "pure" class-A are savings in electrical power consumption and cooler running. The Krell KSA-100S has four sets of LEDs, one for each bias plateau; these provide a way of checking the amount of power being used. The 100S has balanced as well as single-ended inputs, and two sets of binding posts (which accept only spade lugs, not banana plugs), making it ideal for bi-wiring. The amplifier has a power supply which its power doubles down to 1 ohm, putting out 800Wpc into that impedance.

The sonic personality of the Krell KSA-100S is recognizably solid-state, with the sort of bass response that seems to be outside the capability of tube amplifiers, but blissfully avoiding the hard, gritty sound that afflicts so many solid-state products, especially before they are fully broken-in and warmed-up. The Krell KSA-100S has a rather soft sound by solid-state standards—not dull, not rolled-off, just a bit on the soft side of neutral. The bass seems very deep and firm and many percussive sounds have lots of clarity and detail through the Krell. The KSA-100S come more into its own in its depiction of midrange timbre, especially voices. Everything seems to be in its place, with good depth and with transients having clarity without edginess.

Specifications :
Total Harmonic Distortion..................1kHz: 0.1%, 20kHz: 0.5%
Signal-to-Noise Ratio........................100dB
Output Voltage.................................80/28.3 (peak-to-peak / RMS)
Power Output...................................100W into 8 ohms Class A
                    ...................................200W into 4 ohms Class A
                    ...................................400W into 2 ohms Class A
                    ...................................800W into 1 ohm Class A
Slew Rate........................................100V per us
Input Sensitivity................................1.4V RMS
Damping Factor................................>60
Input Impedance...............................47k ohms
Power Consumption.........................100W, idle; 1400W, full power
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................48.5 x 47.5 x 22 cm

Miscellaneous :
Made In...........................................USA

Product Information : (Manufacturer's Website) (Manual)

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