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Description :
The Krell KSA-50 mk2 Class A power amplifier is beautifully styled and built. It is very massive, the front plate is 2mm in stainless steel and the other parts are made of aluminum. Inside there is a double mono design, Mallory capacitors (2 x 37,000uF) for each side and 2 x 800VA for the power supply. The transistors used are the well-known bipolar Motorola MJ15003 and 04, but with a "Krell" label on it
Timbre of the Krell KSA 50 mk2 is sufficiently neutral and uncolored. It has the ability to deliver strong bass into virtually any speaker load, something which most class A amplifiers lack the power. The bass is rounded but has great slam. The Krell KSA-50 mk2 has amazing load tolerance and is the amplifier for truly difficult loads. When the music starts to play, there is an immediate sense of warm presence with beautiful sounds, but with a small fog on the spectrum. The amplifier is not entirely really accurate but it prefers to give pleasure with a cool and relaxing sound. Sometimes the acceleartion is too fast resulting in unpleasant in the higher ends of the midrange. However it may not be suitable to play classical CDs, as the amplifier does not operate in total silence: there is a fan regulating the temperature inside the amplifiers, and it always works, continuously generating some noise. Besides the caveat, the Krell KSA-50 mk2 performs wonderfully in producing beautiful sound with the vaccum tubes.
Specifications :
Type................................................Solid-state stereo power amplifier
Power Output...................................Max 50W Class A into 8 ohms (17dBW)
...................................doubles with each halving of load impedance down to 1ohm
Dimensions(w x d x h)......................48.5 x 47.5 x 22.5 cm
Miscellaneous :
Matching.........................................Krell PAM-5 Preamplifier
Made In...........................................USA
Product Information : (Manufacturer's Website) (Schematics) (Manual for Krells KSA-50S)
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